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Using Elementari with Clever

Elementari supports Clever's Single Sign-On (SSO) integration, allowing teachers and students to login into Elementari without needing to create an account.

This guide covers how district admins and teachers can utilize Clever integration for efficient classroom management.

For District Admins

Adding Elementari from the Clever Dashboard

As a district admin, you can add Elementari directly from your Clever Dashboard and make it available to all your teachers.

  1. Log in to Clever: Access your Clever admin dashboard.
  2. Add Elementari:
    • Search for Elementari in the Clever Library.
    • Add Elementari to your district’s Clever Dashboard.

Managing Licenses

If no license has been made available, teachers will be signed into the free version of Elementari with limited features with up to 35 student accounts.

Elementari District / School plans are based on number of student licenses. Student accounts start at $2 per student per year. Get a quote.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I don't see my Clever sections? My district has added Elementari

If teachers are added through the district integration, they cannot directly import students. Teachers will need students to sign up with their Clever credentials.

What will happen if some of my teachers or students already have Elementari accounts?

We will match an account using their Clever information, and all of their projects and classes will be available to them. They can also continue to login directly to Elementari with their original method alongside Clever SSO.

Is Elementari available in the Clever Library?

Yes, it is. Teachers can try out Elementari directly from the Clever Library and install it to their Clever Teacher page with a single click. Teachers can directly import their classroom roster.