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Changing Collaboration Permissions for Student Projects

Elementari allows teachers to manage permissions for student projects, including collaboration and chat settings.

Step 1: Access the Project Settings

  1. Navigate to the Student Project: Go to the specific project you want to manage.

Step 2: Change Collaboration Permissions

  1. Enable/Disable Collaboration: Toggle the collaboration settings.
  2. Set Collaboration Scope:
    • Classroom: Any student from your class can join with the link.
    • Everyone: Anyone with the link can join.

Step 3: Change Chat Permissions

  1. Enable/Disable Chat: Toggle the chat settings as needed.
  2. View Chat History: You will be able to see the entire chat history for the project.

Managing collaboration and chat permissions helps maintain a productive and safe learning environment.

For more details, visit our Quick Classroom Getting Started Guide.