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Editing Lesson Settings

Elementari allows teachers to manage lesson settings, including collaboration options, chat permissions, and start/end dates. Here’s how to edit these settings:

Step 1: Access the Lesson Settings

  1. Navigate to the Lesson: Go to the specific lesson you want to edit.
  2. Click the Settings Button: Click on the button ... to open the settings dropdown menu. Select Lesson Settings.
Screenshot of the teacher's lesson page and the ... button to open up the actions

Step 2: Edit Collaboration Settings

  1. Enable/Disable Collaboration: Toggle the collaboration settings.
  2. Set Collaboration Scope:
    • Classroom: Any student from your class can join with the link.
    • Everyone: Anyone with the link can join.
  3. Chat Permissions: Enable or disable chat within the project.

Step 3: Set Start and End Dates

  1. Start Date: Define when the lesson will be available to students.
  2. End Date: Set the deadline for the lesson.
Screenshot of the lesson settings form.

Tips for Managing Lesson Settings

  • Regular Updates: Regularly review and update lesson settings to ensure they align with your teaching objectives.
  • Collaboration: Use collaboration settings to foster teamwork and interactive learning.
  • Monitor Chat: Enable chat to provide timely support and feedback, or disable it if not needed.

Managing lesson settings effectively helps create a structured and engaging learning environment.

For more details, visit our Quick Classroom Getting Started Guide.