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Reporting Inappropriate Content

Elementari is committed to maintaining a safe and educational environment. If you encounter inappropriate content, you can report it for review.

Report a Project

  1. Find the Project: Navigate to the project you want to report.
  2. Report Button: Click on the Report button in the options menu.

Report a Comment

  1. Find the Comment: Locate the specific comment that you find inappropriate.
  2. Report Button: Click on the Report button next to the comment.

Moderation Process

  • Human Review: All reported content is reviewed by human moderators.
  • Action Taken: Content is only removed if it violates our community guidelines.

Classroom-Specific Controls

Teachers with classrooms have additional controls to ensure student safety:

  • Limited Student Access: Students have restricted access to commenting and cannot comment on projects outside their classroom.
  • Private Comments: Comments are private to the classroom. Only students and the teacher can view and comment on projects within the classroom.
  • Teacher Approval: All student projects require teacher approval before being made public.